
Magazines. Minerals websites directory

Rocks, minerals and fossil web directory

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YOUR WEB SITE HERE !!! Web site promotion. Featured mineral and fossil web site listing.

Rocks & Minerals
Rocks & Minerals

Spectacular color photographs appear throughout each issue. Rocks & Minerals works with the Mineralogical Society of America to promote cooperation between collectors and professional mineralogists.


Samples exctracts from ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS: Excerpts from Vol. 15 , September-October 2000 issue, Excerpts from Vol. 15 , November-December 2000 issue, Excerpts from Vol. 16 , March-April 2001 issue.

MINÉRAUX & FOSSILES - Le guide du collectionneur
MINÉRAUX & FOSSILES - Le guide du collectionneur

Minéraux & Fossiles est la plus ancienne revue mensuelle s'adressant aux collectionneurs,amateurs et à tous ceux qui souhaitent se tenir informés des principaux événements dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre (nouveaux minéraux,découvertes de fossil



Willkommen bei MINERALIEN-Welt. Das Mineralien-Magazin für Sammler, Händler, Museums-Fachleute.

Le Règne Minéral
Le Règne Minéral

Revue Française de Minéralogie.


Das große, deutschsprachige Magazin für Liebhaber und Sammlervon Mineralien und edlen Steinen. - Lapis Mineralien Magazin is the premier independent German language monthly magazine for collectors and aficionados of minerals and gems.


Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo: Rivista Mineralogica Italiana
Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo: Rivista Mineralogica Italiana

Il Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo è fondatore ed editore della Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, la più importante pubblicazione divulgativa di mineralogia esistente in Italia, diffusa e apprezzata a livello mondiale.

Gold Net Australia Online
Gold Net Australia Online

Featuring Australia's First Online Gold Magazine: Australian Gold For Sale.

European Journal of Mineralogy
European Journal of Mineralogy

European Journal of Mineralogy is published bimonthly,1 volume per year,which consists of 6 numbers with between 1100 and 1400 pages.EJM publishes strictly original papers reviewed by an international board of peers and currently carries no advertisement


Canadian Rockhound - Geological Magazine
Canadian Rockhound - Geological Magazine

Canadian Rockhound, Canada's free online earth science magazine for educators, beginners and hobbyists, since 1997.


Recursos varios destancando la revista descatalogada `Bocamina´ publicada en su día por el GMM.

Associació Mineralògica d’Interès Científic i Social
Associació Mineralògica d’Interès Científic i Social

Asociación sin ánimo de lucro destinada a promover el estudio, divulgación y el fomento de la mineralogía como ciencia.

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