
Multimedia. Directori webs de minerals i fòssils

Directori web minerals i fòssils

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Bayerische Geologische Landesamt
Bayerische Geologische Landesamt

Unsere Spezialisten wie Geologen, Bodenkundler, Mineralogen, Geophysiker, Geochemiker, Geoökologen, Geographen beschäftigen sich mit allen wichtigen geowissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, die den Bereich des Freistaats Bayern betreffen.

Gold Prospectors Association
Gold Prospectors Association

The Gold Prospectors Association (GPAA) was founded in 1968 to preserve and promote the great heritage of the North American Prospector.

Photo Atlas of Mineral Pseudomorphism
Photo Atlas of Mineral Pseudomorphism

There are many examples of pseudomorphs, but they have never been brought together in a single reference book that features high-resolution, full-color pseudomorph formations together with the original minerals that they have replaced.

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